A few people have asked if we are happy with our decision to move to Pasadena. Now that we are settled in our new home, we are giving that question some thought. It is an unusual thing, at our ages, to just pick up and move to another state. It's also an enormous amount of work - finding the right place, deciding what to bring, what to store, packing, and moving.
In making such a big decision, there are so many reasons for and against, why and why not. Everything from economic to medical to distance to doggies was discussed and considered, ruled in and ruled out.
One thing we knew for sure was that Allen would need a home office. That seems to be working out OK.It is hard to find the right words to describe how we feel about this big change in our lives but what comes to mind are feelings of "serenity," "peace," "joy," and "calm."
In the final analysis, there was only one overwhelming deciding factor.In the end, we followed our hearts and landed exactly where we should be.
I certainly will.
Posted by: Claudia | 09/15/2013 at 03:38 PM
He's a cutie! Give him a hug from us.
Posted by: Kathy | 09/15/2013 at 02:59 PM