We are leaving for Nashville and Kentucky but before we go, I thought I would write a quick update on a couple of things I have been working on.
First, the roses. They seem pretty happy. However, not long after we arrived, I noticed my favorite rose had a problem. On closer inspection I discovered hollow canes. All of them. I cut the canes back until I found solid centers, but I was afraid the rose would not survive. However, after just a few days it sprouted new growth. This is what it looked like then:
And, here is the same rose this morning, less than a month later:
It is covered in new growth and buds. I'm thrilled it is thriving and, as usual, I stand in complete awe of nature and its tenacity.
And now for my second ongoing project. It was a month ago today that we decided to follow an ancestral approach to eating for 30 days. I am happy (and surprised) to announce that we actually stuck with it! I tried some really wonderful new recipes and even eating Paleo Pumpkin Pie, I lost 5 pounds and Allen lost 12. Of course this is completely unfair, but typical. Whenever I decide to improve my diet, he loses weight. I do all the planning, shopping, cooking, and he loses twice as much as I do. I suggest the walks, bike rides, push-ups - well you get the picture. When I was younger, losing weight was a snap but not anymore. So, even though my skinny husband lost more, I am thrilled with my 5 pounds weight loss. We plan to continue our new "lifestyle" although it will be more of a challenge as we travel through some of our favorite foodie destinations over the next two weeks. I will be posting from Nashville and Lexington, KY and will let you know how we manage (or don't manage) to stay on plan.
I will leave you with a final rose. I just wish the fragrance could accompany the picture. So lovely.